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Eltham Little Theatre Limited, Wythfield Road, Eltham, London SE9 5TG
Registered as a Company in England and Wales. Company No. 401481
Registered as a Charity. Charity No. 208710


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Blithe Spirit

by Noël Coward

The play has become a classic of the British theatre originally playing 1,997 performances in London and it was a huge success in New York. Since then it has been revived many times and filmed twice.

It tells the tale of an author, Charles Condomine, who is writing a book on spiritualism. He and his second wife, Ruth, invite the local medium Madame Arcati and their friends Dr. And Mrs Bradman to dinner. Charles wants to hold a séance. Only seen by Charles, the séance conjures up his deceased wife Elivira. Mischievous Elvira causes havoc as she tries to “kill off” Charles so he can join her on the other side, but only succeeds in killing off Ruth. Now haunted by two dead wives, he tries to get Madame Arcati to rectiufy the situation but there are more powerful forces at work in the household.

Blithe Spirit combines farce, emotion and great wit. It is intensely funny!